Sopra Steria is constantly working to adapt to changes and needs society to be relevant to our customers. Read more about it here.
I was part of the work and process of future strategies in Sopra Steria 2030. I was responsible for the process and implementation of activities together with a core group of participants from the various business units and the management of Sopra Steria. I led a number of workshops with participants from different levels and business areas across the business for anchoring and breadth of the work. I led the development of 24 future scenarios together with the core group, and together with our CEO Kjell Rusti I presented the scenarios for 220 leaders in Sopra Steria who participated in writing realistic strategy formulations.
As part of this, Sopra Steria is working at all times to outline possible realistic future scenarios where the company has a significant role and business. Based on updated trends in technology and drivers in society, opportunities for innovation and business are uncovered with associated strategies that describe what the company must master and invest in in order to realize its vision.
The strategies can be new expertise and a plan for what will happen when, and are included in Sopra Steria’s ongoing strategy processes. The visions of the future are also used as a recruitment tool and to create pride in the employees in the company.